Children’s Tailoring Shop Started!

Hello Partners,
We have a new addition to your children’s facilities, a tailoring shop! We have also added a tailor to our orphanage staff.

This is an excellent addition from a business stand point.
1). Our tailor will make (and repair) and repair all of the kid’s uniforms, pillow cases, bedsheets etc. Considering the amount
we spent last year to pay contract workers to render this service, we will at least break even or even safe money with our
staff tailor.
2) The tailor will train any of our children that we serve to become professional tailors as well. This will be an added benefit to us.
Some of our kids will need to learn a trade to be able to lead independent lives. Instead of paying another tailor outside to train our
kids that need such training, we will have our own tailor do that!

3) When the place starts running optimally, we will be able to make clothes for other people in the community. Reasonable estimates are

that we may raise enough money to easily support 8-10 additional orphans per year! If you add the savings from us paying others to make
clothes for the kids and the savings from paying not paying for training for the kids, this business venture for the orphanage is a great one.
It is a business that will make a profit if we are the only customer!!!